Love your life and cease to frown,
Don’t let the bastards get you down.
Hold head up high, remain erect,
And never politically correct.
What follows is merely one long bitch regarding the ills that have befallen our misguided society.
Modern day living should be easy, lay back, trouble free and one would think relatively cheaper as technology makes possible for up to date techniques to be adopted and used on a daily basis. However, it seems as though the average member of society today simply accepts and adopts any new innovative invention regardless of whether it is actually a necessary product or not. One example is the mobile phone, or cell phone as our American cousins call them. Many of our younger citizens more than likely are not aware that not that long ago, telephones were only used by folks to telephone each other. Today, the mobile is used for keeping in touch, sending SMS’s, E-Mails, texting, taking photographs, activating home air-cons from the office and may also be used to download info from the computer. Some mobiles can even be prompted by vending machines to purchase their products.

It won’t be too long before a dunny safe model is manufactured and becomes a must have item for replacing toilet paper…..don’t laugh I’m serious. Also what is it with all these ignorant specimens on trains and buses, in the theatre, waiting in bank queues, wandering along footpaths and to top it all off in their motor vehicles, which I hasten to add is illegal, rabbiting on to heaven knows who on their mobile. For God’s sake people, get a life, you are so extremely rude and annoying and I’m willing to bet that your conversations are completely and utterly meaningless to boot.
Wanker! |
A mob of Wankers. |
Back in the late 60’s and early 70’s there was talk of computers being used in the office to ease the workload by reducing working hours and cutting down on all the paperwork. We were told that a computer could do the work of 5 persons and office life would become a home away from home. The reality was that when these modern day miracles became an essential part of the average work place, they were capable of doing the work of 5 persons but, in reality, were expected to do the work of 10 to 12.
At work.......... |
...........and at home. |
The average office worker’s 35 hour week has become a 50 to 55 hour week with no increase in pay and the paperwork has more than doubled. I remember applying for my annual leave on computer and also manually. Using the computer took 15 minutes, whilst the manual application took 90 seconds. Even on the eve of a public holiday staff were expected to remain in the office for as long as it took to finish the day’s work. One Xmas eve, office staff were unable to leave until around 8:30pm. No overtime was paid as it was not company policy. All this was brought about by not having a backup system in place when the weekly computer crash occurred. The staff were vitriolic with their opinions of the situation, but were too afraid to openly say anything as they didn’t want to cause trouble. Any wonder I opted for early retirement when the opportunity arose.
My wife Gabi and I were extremely fortunate to have moved to greener pastures north of Sydney, in doing so we were able to avoid those rip off toll roads that the state government keeps on inflicting upon motorists, as if they are not already being overcharged by all and sundry. On my frequent trips to Sydney, I refuse point blank to drive on or through these motorways and tunnels. If only my fellow motorists would do the same, the tolls would vanish within only a few months of organized anarchy. Years ago in Bananaland motorists refused to drive on a newly constructed tollway and despite repeated efforts on the part of the state government to thwart them, they were successful in having the tolls removed in only a few short months. There is no reason why this tactic would not work in Sydney today, but will people do it, I doubt it, they are all sheep. They seem content to allow these road builders to have access to their bank accounts to deduct the tolls and charges, not this little black duck however.
M4 Tollway. $4.00 each way ( October 2012) ensures a trouble free trip....Yeah sure! Stuff the lot of them. |
How will the government pay off the road builders? That's their problem, they made their bed, they can now lie in it. Come on people, show some intestinal fortitude and ensure these tolls become nothing more than ancient history.
At time of writing I am not aware of the percentage of people who own and use a home computer, but going on the figures for the year 2000 I would imagine it would be around 75 %, with half of those on the internet. I held off for many years, but now that I am connected to the WWW, I have become aware of the advantages of computer ownership, but do not regard it as an essential part of day to day living.
Another modern trend is for pay TV to be installed and although this has not been as popular as originally imagined, there is a reasonable sized minority who have signed up despite nothing but garbage on offer. Many of these unfortunates appear willing to waste good money so they can be entertained by the likes of the following........
Yes, that's right, there are those who actually pay out good money to watch quality television and what do they end up with........Frightening isn't it?
I never cease to be amused when certain families complain how difficult it is to
make ends meet when they own a home computer with Internet connection, plasma or LCD television, DVD players or recorders, Surround sound systems, Ipods etc. and all family members have their own mobiles and spend the whole day and half the evening gas bagging away to God only knows who about God only knows what.
"We are struggling, truly." |
They obviously are not aware that all these modern day wonders all cost money, the products and services are not provided gratis and more importantly they are not essential for day to day living.
Political correctness has annoyed many people, including myself, but very few appear to ignore it and actually accept it as the norm. This has been responsible for standards declining, in some cases dangerously low, when what should be happening is many past values should be retained to put an end to the polarisation of our society that certain journalists and television commentators seem to be encouraging. An excellent example of this is the promotion of Multiculturalism as the saviour of Australia, whereas in reality it is destroying our once unique nation. If the current trend is allowed to continue, Oz will end up as a divided collection of alienated tribes adhering to their old ways and customs that were responsible for them leaving the old country in the first place. As mentioned elsewhere, far too many people are crediting MCism for the successful blending together of our multi national society, whereas it is Cosmopolitanism that has achieved that.
What is it with all these misguided advocates of political correctness singing the praises of just about everyone who has arrived from overseas, many of whom as illegal immigrants? These people deliberately destroy all their papers and other documents and are responsible for massive delays in our processing system. So many of them are determined to be granted residency, yet have no intention of accepting our way of life and continue to support their former nation's laws and traditions. Our local PC cretins accuse anyone who speaks out against these wankers as racist, in order to shut them up. In doing so they are denying their own people the right to express an honest opinion and are even bigger wankers than those they are defending. I would love to know what their hidden agenda is.
Take a close look at the following photos. Have these brain dead penis pullers assimilated into our society? Are they contributing to the well being and advancement of their adopted country? Have they put the old traditions and bigotry responsible for many of their families moving to Australia in the first place, behind them?
The unwanted dregs of our society. |
Islamic wanker, 1st. degree. |
Multiculturalism is separate development and breeds tribes.
And these are so called indigenous Australians.
Harmony Day at Carlingford. Aussies one and all. Different tastes, different traditions, different faiths, yet united by their love and respect for their adopted new nation. It beats separate development any time. |
Footy fans. 'Carn the Doggies.' Harmony at Olympic Park Sydney. "ALLAHU AKBAR" |
Surely the above would have to be a nomination for Photo of the year.
Over the years our own society appears to have allowed certain phenomena to creep into modern day living. Take the entertainment industry for instance, I discovered on a singer’s web site where this so called artist sold 200,000 copies and was awarded a gold and platinum record because of this achievement. Further research showed that in reality there were only 3000 copies sold over the counter…..what a joke. Another artist’s only claim to fame is a number five chart position, yet a nomination to be installed in The Aria Hall of Fame was forthcoming….incredible. Not that long ago a well known artist was credited with having the largest selling single and won the award for such despite another artist selling over 100,000 more Cd’s over the counter. Obviously politics today dictate popularity and not retail sales as happened in the past. When it comes to live performances, most of the current crop of impostors, such as Britney, Madonna, Timberlake and everyone of those talent less so called rappers would have been laughed off stage years ago, that is if they were ever able to be offered a gig in the first place.
Pure unadulterated low talented crap. |
Their singing ability is such that very few of them ever sing live and rely on lip syncing and some of them cannot even do that properly. If it wasn’t for their backing groups and laser light shows with added fireworks, they simply would not attract an audience.
Big on special effects, extremely small on talent. |
Even with all this, I am not able to comprehend how anyone with only a modicum of intelligence would attend their rip off concerts. If one has doubts about the acceptance of mediocrity as quality, look no further than the entertainment industry.
Many overseas television programmes are inflicted on us on a regular basis, but even though many of them die sudden deaths due to crappy plots and storylines, the acting generally speaking is quite acceptable. The same cannot be said about good old Aussie local drama, that in all fairness, has improved somewhat since the days of Skippy, but if one views an episode of the Waratah Park legend, one would expect a vast improvement. Generally speaking local shows tend to bomb out because of atrocious acting and amateurish story lines, with occasionaly the odd genuine success. However certain shows are regarded as being top local drama and according to the broadcasters are rating successes, despite the number one show coming in at around number 49 in the top 100.
The home of mind boggling excrement. |
One of the most watched local dramas is a naval adventure set in our northern regions and situations depicted are sheer fantasy. Even the Navy has laughed its head off at the ridiculous plots. Despite having one of Australia’s better female actresses in a lead role, some of the other actors make the cast of Neighbours look almost talented. The bloke playing the ship’s captain acts as though he is playing the role of a tree stump and even makes Brian Brown appear animated.
HMAS Hammersley.... |
 |'s crew.... |
.....and its Captain. |
Regardless, the viewers appear to find it acceptable entertainment, although I am certain it will go the way of previous so called top rating programmes and vanish from our screens before too long……one can only hope.
Should be brown. |
The most ridiculous get together is the alcohol sodden annual Logies Awards that are hosted by the Nine Network and take place within a dodgy, gin soaked gambling palace in the southern capital.
Every year the usual suspects are nominated by a little read TV rag and advertising campaigns start hassling people to vote for their ‘most popular TV personality.’ In the majority of cases the nominees are, to say the least, mediocre, but every now and then someone almost worthwhile gets the nod. I have never understood how so many Logies for most popular this and that are won by personalities whose programmes do not even rate in the top 100. If no one is watching, how can the show’s star or host win a most popular award, yet it happens year after year. In my opinion the Logies are an absolute farce and should be abolished and banished from our airwaves for good.
As for sport, why does Seven and Ten persevere in NSW and QLD televising the most ridiculous of all the football codes, namely the AFL. The southerners may love and support it, but in the two north eastern states it is widely regarded as an effeminate game and only has a small cult following and its TV ratings are virtually non existent. Yet night after night during the news bulletins we keep on hearing how some unknown has broke down at training or some other mug has damaged his left testicle and may also require a penis transplant……Who cares! For God's sake, no other nation is even remotely interested in AFL, so why not leave the easily pleased southerners to play with themselves, which for anyone into cross country basketball, would be highly appropriate.
Typical AFL football. Wow! a double header. Hawks v Bulldogs and Magpies v Carlton. |
Rugby League football. |
Years ago Rugby Union was an amateur game mostly supported by the old school tie brigade. Nowadays it’s difficult to tell the difference between Union and League since the old school tie went professional and started poaching some of Leagues finest. Most of the players in both codes have unpronounceable names and appear to have snuck in via New Zealand from the Pacific Islands. I am curious how many of these oversize islanders are here legally?
While there are still many worthwhile citizens who contribute to our society, there has been an increase in booze related violence. Why anyone needs to enter a pub and have a beer at 5am. I’ll never understand, but the liquor industry continues to push for pubs to open 24 hours a day……give us a break. Blues break out, knives are drawn, sometimes guns and glasses and bottles are broken and used as weapons. Years ago, one’s own mates would beat the crap out of anyone who produced a knife, let alone a broken glass to be shoved in someone’s face.
Recently there have been two incidents of gutless wonders glassing their girlfriends face and in both cases the girls continue to express their love for their brain dead boyfriends, one even went to court to have an AVO removed that had been placed on the boyfriend by the police for her protection…..she should be institutionalised. Thirty hoons invade a private party in a suburban house and get violent when refused admission. The householder uses a whip to drive off these heroic cretins and then is threatened to be charged with assault for using excessive force. Years ago he would have received a bravery award. Another piece of garbage shoves a broken bottle in a teenagers face almost killing him. He is found guilty and it is revealed he is addicted to cocaine, heroin, smokes marijuana and uses several other illegal drugs. The Judge then announces that this piece of filth is a “person of excellent character” and the sentence looks as though he will be out and about in around 9 months.
I become almost ropable when I read or hear of someone found guilty of using excessive force, particularly when the guilty person has been protecting his family or property. A statement is usually forthcoming from the judge that the accused was guilty of using more than reasonable force, without ever stating what constitutes reasonable force. What is the reasonable amount of force required to subdue a 14 year old schoolboy armed with a knife, compared to the reasonable amount of force required to subdue a six foot eight inch tall Pacific islander weighing in at around 120 kilos unarmed? In one case it could simply be a well applied headlock, but in the other it would most certainly require the use of a baseball bat to be on even terms with the law breaker.
The greatest threat to our modern day society is lack of responsibility, brought about by mind boggling wishy washy law enforcement, or in some cases no law enforcement at all. Criminals and hoons know that they will virtually get off scot free and continue to offend. Tackle a thief who has snatched an elderly ladies handbag and slightly injure the sleazebag and he has the right to sue you. In Britain a young girl fighting off a would be rapist blinds him in one eye and is successfully sued for $220,000 from his prison cell. The law states that it is an offence for a woman to carry in her handbag an aerosol hairspray that may be used as a protection from harassment or attack. Crack a home invader’s skull with a baseball bat and you will be charged with using an offensive weapon and he will more than likely escape with a good behaviour bond or less. Give me a break.
There are many, many more mind boggling irritations that have crept into our busy lives throughout the years and this tale of woe could go on indefinitely, so I will end it with one final bitch…….barking dogs.
The problem. |
A possible solution. |
Owners who are at home when their useless mutt continually barks should be fined heavily and even jailed. Many barking dogs go berserk at all times of the day, night and early mornings when the owners are out for the evening or whenever. Why oh why don’t the neighbours do something about the problem? A bucket of water or maybe a house brick may do the trick, but no, the dog continues to bark and bark and the neighbours continue to fume. The usual response when questioned on their inaction is, “Oh we don’t want to upset the dog owners.” My usual response is “Fuck 'em.” Councils will not act unless a letter is received listing days, nights and times of barking offences and then, if you’re lucky a ranger will speak to the owner, if he is at home in business hours. What follows afterwards is not a lot. In most cases the dog continues to bark at all hours and after further written complaints the whole process repeats itself with no result forthcoming. If one person only complains about a crowing rooster, the owner has 2 weeks to get rid of it, which usually means a wrung neck or the axe. Why can’t the same rule apply to ignorant dog owners and their dumb dish licker.
What a strange society we have evolved into. Although unable to leave this mortal coil, I have no choice but to refuse acceptance of this crap from anyone and will resist up until the day I die and despite all the above will attempt to retain my warped sense of humour, which at times can be sorely tested by the greatest of all society’s problems, the dreaded political correctness……….Oh well! It’s just gone pumpkin time, I’m off to bed.
Nighty Night. |
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