Circe the Sorceress who made captive the Greek hero Odysseus (Ulysses) on his voyage home from the sacking of Ilion (Troy), is a work currently underway for one of Gabi's clients.
The Red Cap. After Frederick Sandys. Highly Commended.
Not that many years ago I eventually got around to asking Gabi what she wanted to be in regard to her painting. She simply replied that she would like to become a good artist. What follows is a small selection of her work, that I believe confirms she has indeed achieved that goal.
She has been successful at many of the local and regional art exhibitions and generally finishes consistently in the top 5 to 10 percent place getters.
On Sunday April 5th 2015, she hit the jackpot when awarded 1st prize at the Tilligerry Art Exhibition held in the Mallabula Community Hall at Lemon Tree Passage. For what lt's worth, she also was voted in as the runner up as well. Not too bad actually, two entries, two awards, First and Second. When one considered the quality of the competition entries, this was a remarkable achievement.
Her favorite paintings and exhibitions are those which promote the work of many of the past masters and other gifted artists from here and overseas. Although she would more than likely not admit to it, she is a romantic when it comes to painting and derives great pleasure and satisfaction reproducing the works of her favorite Pre-Raphaelite artists. One of the better run exhibitions is the Fabulous Fakes held each year at the Diggers Club at the Entrance and Gabi has more than made a name for herself at this Competition.

Throughout the previous several years Gabi has been extremely consistent producing top quality efforts that have gained the plaudits of the competition judges, staff and the viewing public. She has deservedly earned 1 First Prize, 1 Second Prize, 2 Highly Commendeds, 1 Commended, The Hangers Prize, The Peoples Prize and an Encouragement Award from one of the local Galleries. On one of the opening nights when leaving the Entrance Art Show, we forgot to cast our vote for the Peoples Prize and discovered later on that Gabi was pipped by one vote.
This will be required for two of Gabi's commissions that will be over 130 cm long.
The new Studio. |

Throughout most of her life Gabi's niece Shauna has had a love affair with a painting by Sir Frank Dicksee. When Gab found out she decided to reproduce this painting and presented it to Shauna and her hubby Adrian as a gift.
It now takes pride of place in the Greers home.
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La Belle Dame Sans Merci. After Sir Frank Dicksee. Along with Lady Agnew of Locknaw, this is my favourite painting...…….WOW! |

Presented to the Holy name of Mary Catholic Church in Hunters Hill, where it takes pride of place.
Gabi loves Pussy Cats.
Well, there you go. When she sets her mind to it Gabi is capable of anything. These are only a small selection of her work, but are typical of what she loves to do. Quite a few of her paintings are now taking pride of place in various homes and the odd one has been presented as a gift to some of our relloes who have nothing but admiration for the talent that Gabi possesses.
It is pleasing to note that some of our cousins and nieces etc. have demonstrated that they too have been gifted and blessed with talent, at not just painting, but sculpting as well. Caitlin has produced beautiful pieces of work that demonstrate her undoubted talent, while the twins Zoe and Jessica are leaning towards painting and their overworked mum Shauna was considering a return to art school. Some of the photographs taken by Sarah more than indicate an artistic gift, while Margo works full time at home creating advertising and ticket writing masterpieces professionally. It's good to know that long after Gabi and I have gone toes up, that other members of our family will carry on the tradition of creating something skillful and full of beauty for others to admire.
Note: Time refuses to stand still and its effects on the mind and body make it necessary for one's aching bones and muscles to require less work and more rest. Gabi and I were forced to sell up and move further north to the Bayway Retirement Village in Fern Bay. Never has anyone encountered the problems we did prior to and during this move. Even after taking possession of our new cottage, the wheels refused to stop wobbling and it took what seemed like an eternity before we were completely settled in.
Our next move will be in a pine box.
All that being said we have at last achieved what we set about achieving and that is peace and security in our new surroundings. Life may be a lot slower, but still beats the alternative.
Studio area. |
Living Room. |
Sun Room. |
Hi Gabi,
I have wondered where you were after you left HFA. HFA has closed but has a group call Friends of HFA on Facebook..
I am just wandering around looking for a new home..
All of your work is as good or better as any Old Master painter!!
Paint me GREEN with envy,
Dixie Newkirk
Hi Gabi
I'm compiling a history of Fab Fakes for Tuggerah Lakes Art Society - appreciate if your kind permission to use photos of your winning exhibits of same.
mal Hamilton
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